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CPSA DC 224 - Dallas/Ft Worth

Membership Information and Instructions

New Members: You may join anytime during the year. If you have never been a member of DC 224 and you join between July 1 and Oct 31, your membership will extend to include the chapter year that begins Nov 1.

You must be at least 18 yrs of age and a member in good standing of the national CPSA organization to be a member of a local district chapter.

Chapter dues are $25. Dues paid after the new membership year begins on Nov 1 are not prorated.

Visit for details on joining or renewing your NATIONAL membership. See form below for local membership online form and PayPal payment.

Join CPSA DC224

I have paid my National Dues and (check all that apply):

Your Form Has Been Submitted.

Please Click on the PayPal Button Below to Pay Your Dues.

Buy with PayPal

Apple Users!

There is a known bug with the Buy Now button. If you are not directed to PayPal, turn off Pop Up Blocking on your device settings and that should solve the problem.

If you would like to help our Chapter even more, a donation would be greatly appreciated!

Donate with PayPal

For those who prefer, you may use a check, payable to CPSA224. 

Mail to:
Patsy Deal
9616 Lakeway Circle #10103
Fort Worth, TX 76179
Please note on check it is for Membership Dues or Donation, as applicable.

Apple Users!

There is a known bug with the Buy Now button. If you are not directed to PayPal, turn off Pop Up Blocking on your device settings and that should solve the problem.

©2023 All images and content are protected by U.S. copyright laws. No content may be copied or reproduced without express written permission of the CPSA Chapter 224.

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